I’m Yumtum!
I was given that name on the account of me having such a yummy tummy. I live in Tokyo, Japan. I have 8 very close friends from around the world and one super best friend called Yuki. I love hanging out with my chums. My favourite things to do are travel and learn how to cook different foods. My favourite food is ramen! OISHII! I’ll travel by bike, boat, car, train and plane to find the perfect recipe. I enjoy taking photos and learning about different culture. People collect stamps, I collect friends, my friends are all uniquely different and that’s what I love about them the most. There’s never a dull day when experienced in the Yumtum way!

~ Travel ~
Travel is an integral part of growing, every new adventure and destination opens us up to a new perspective, breaking down prejudices, and initial thoughts of places and people, and replacing them with first hand information. The art of appreciation for all cultures and people is a conscious one, it takes a genuine effort to learn and expand our minds. This is why at YumTum & Chums we value introducing children to other cultures and their ways of life at an early age. Teaching children about other cultures, and informing them further about their own, strengthens identity and creates a sense of global respect. YumTum & Chums is a brand that endeavors to represent all people in an honest way, being conscious to step back from stereotyping.
~ The three C’s ~
The world is becoming an ever more global network. It’s becoming easier to travel, and even connect with people, from every corner of the world through the click of a button so it’s of great importance that we learn about one another, our unique differences and our similarities. We can develop and broaden little explorers by making them the three C’s – Competent, Compassionate and Confident. Let’s pass on the wanderlust that causes itchy feet and open young ones eyes to a literal world of possibilities.

~ Food ~
Food is just one of the things that ties the human race together. It’s something we all need to sustain us and so it is invaluable to human existence.

Ete Sen!
My name is Kofi and I’m from Ghana- my name means Friday in Twi. I’m an architect who is great with numbers and a dab hand at carpentry. When I’m not solving complicated equations you can find me creating beautiful sculptures.
I’m Noah and this dude sitting on top of my head is ‘ol pretty boy Logan’, we are a bit of a double act. I’m super laid back but Logan’s a hot head. There is no shortage of danger and adventure with Logan around! We love all kinds of music and play 10 instruments each. How’s that for a duo?
I’m Juan, I’m from sunny Colombia and I love to laugh and dance. YumTum and I are always the first on the dance floor! I’m a historian with a passion for figuring out how things are made and creating my own inventions.
My name is Léo, I’m a French chief that specialises in Japanese cuisine. I own three restaurants with my wife. My favourite part of cooking is the presentation of the food once the dish is created, I’m a complete perfectionist!
I’m Yuki, YumTum’s best friend. We are pretty much joined at the hip: wherever he is, I’m not far behind. YumTum calls me the mini detective, as I love to explore and solve mysteries. I’m super active! When I’m not hitting the skate parks, I can be found in the Dojo mastering the art of Aikido.
I’m Kai and I’m a Marine Biologist who loves nothing more than to swim with the fishes. Scuba diving and fishing is my life! I wouldn’t want to do anything else. I live on the island of barbados.
I’m Ada I’m a Professor who enjoys reading and researching random things- I’m always interested in learning more! In my home country of Iceland we have a saying “Blindur er bóklaus maður†(blind is a man without a book) or woman in my case (haha)!
My name is Veer, I live in India. I’m a Visual Artist and Nutritionist. I teach people about the health benefits of certain foods. I create loads of beautiful large-scale collages about the magic of healthy eating. I’m a big health freak! If you haven’t already realised.
I’m Darcy I go by the nickname ‘Darcy the Barbie’ because I love a good barbeque. I’m a total daredevil who never backs down from an extreme adventure. I live in Australia and spend most of my time in the outback taking part in extreme sports competitions.

~ Latest App ~
~ Around The World In Slurpy Days ~
Yumtum  loves to travel the world and try new things. In this recipe book app, you will learn about the many benefits of drinking water. Yumtum will share with you some recipes he loves, helping you to keep your little ones hydrated with fun and delicious recipes from around the world. This recipe book includes: – Fun facts about water – 9 recipes – Loads of Interactive fun.
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